Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Road Closures

Carnarvon HighwayWe empathise with the community regarding having the road network compromised due to the recent/current flooding and people are wanting to get 'back to business', however the re-opening of all roads within the Shire is a process.

All roads need to be assessed for safety purposes, along with assessing the physical damage of the infrastructure and the integrity of the road, the direct and in-direct effects of flooding is enormous and causes critical impact from economical to social well-being for everyone.

We will be working on having road assessments done as quickly as possible, we are hopeful that community members will be compassionate towards the mammoth task ahead of having to assess every road within our 2,800km road network.

Council will update the community as soon as we can regarding the re-opening of roads. We update via Facebook and Council’s website the road conditions, if you are not seeing any changes in the published/update dates, this is due to the fact that there are no changes.

Please have have patience with us.


