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Stage 1A 50m Pool, Clubhouse, Plantroom, Grandstand

Moree Plains Shire Council is seeking “Tenders” from appropriately qualified, suitably experienced and adequately resourced companies to submit quotations for the following contract:

~ Contract –RFT22/544 – Stage 1A 50m Pool, Clubhouse, Plantroom, Grandstand

As part of the Conditions of Tendering, tenders will only be accepted from Contractors who have registered on the Tenderlink Portal.

To access the tender documents please follow the link and register on Council’s Tenderlink portal.

Moree Plains Shire Council - Registration (

The closing date for submissions is 2.00pm Monday 6 February, 2023. Submissions will be received via the TenderLink panel online portal ONLY. Hard copy submissions received via post, fax or hand delivered WILL NOT be accepted.

Pre-tender meeting to be held on Monday 12 December 2022, attendance registration is required.

This Tender will be managed in accordance with the Moree Plains Shire Council Procurement Policy, the Local Government Act 1993, and the Local Government (General) Regulation 2005.


