What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Meeting With Westpac Officials

General Manager, Nick Tobin and Mayor Mark Johnson met with Westpac's State and District Managers together with their head of Government Relations this week, in response to the decision made by Westpac to close the Moree bank services, retaining only the Agribusiness service, in February 2023.

Robust discussions regarding this short sighted decision to remove a bank branch presence from our community will leave many vulnerable community members with no access to banking services, other than digitally.

This supports no equity for those digitally disadvantaged, poor connectivity and the social and financial impacts of no face-to-face banking.

Mayor Mark Johnson stated “This removal of people’s banking choice, with zero community consultation will leave a big impact on customers and small businesses who are now left without access to the fundamental aspects of banking. Although our preferred outcome was to retain our local Westpac branch with full services that will help us grow and support our local community, now and into the future, the reversal on this decision by Westpac doesn’t seem imminent”.

Moree is amongst at least 71 branches that will close across Australia.


Related article - Moree Plains Shire Council - Westpac To Close Bank Branch Services (nsw.gov.au)


