What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Funding to Fix Local Potholes

Damage-to-Moree-Plain-Shire-Roads.pngMoree Plains Shire Council has successfully secured $927,640 under the NSW Government’s Fixing Local Roads Pothole Repair Round (PRR).

This fast-tracked funding will allow Council to start repairing critical infrastructure and restore flood-impacted roads.

Mayor Johnson welcomed the news saying “This emergency funding will help us reconnect our communities and with harvest underway, we need to ensure roads are up to the task of carrying the additional truck and heavy machinery to get this crop off and to receival sites as soon as possible.

Accelerating this cash payment allows Council to identify the critical priority areas to remediate so we can make our road network accessible to all once again.”

“Of the $50 million allocated by the NSW Government for the PRR Program and with 95 eligible councils, securing this large pot of money is a great effort by the Council team. However, this does also recognise the significant damage our Shire roads suffered as a consequence of the flood event. Mention and thanks must also go to our local member Mr Adam Marshall who, as always, was supportive of Council during this process.” commented Mayor Johnson.

The PRR is an initiative funded by the NSW Government which is specifically designed to assist regional and rural councils by supplementing existing funding to address priority repairs and ongoing maintenance of potholes in local and regional roads. This round will not only assist council in addressing priority repairs but also deliver safer and improved journeys for communities and industry.

Work under the PRR funding is to be completed by 1 January 2024.

Image- Flood damage done to local roads during the flood event




