What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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The Australia Day Award Winners Of The Plains

Australia Day is a day where we can formally recognise individuals and groups for their conscientious work and commitment to our community alongside welcoming our newest citizens with a special citizenship ceremony.

Mayor Mark Johnson commenced by thanking those people who have made significant differences to our community over the last twelve months. “On behalf of our community, I would like to thank each and every one of you for the wonderful contribution you have made, we so appreciate it.

We welcome our new citizens to this nation, to each of you, congratulations, what a wonderful choice you have made”.

“Australia Day for me is a day to acknowledge this wonderful nation that as Australians we are all a part of. Whether our origins are with our first nations people or if we are amongst our newest citizens, this day provides us with an opportunity to take time to be very Australian about Australia. So, let us be grateful and proud for being Australian”, stated Mayor Johnson.

We would like to congratulate the following winners of the 2023 Moree Plains Australia Day Awards.

Volunteer of the Year - Kamala Wheeler
Known as the face of our local SES after volunteering for 34 years.

Volunteer Group/ sporting Group of the Year - Moree Cancer Support Group
Providing financial support and equipment for the Moree community, not only for cancer and palliative patients, inclusive in the acute and community services at the Moree Hospital.

Sports Person of the Year - Jonah James
A keen sportsman who has represented Moree in Moree Junior Soccer, Moree Junior Cricket, Moree Junior Rugby Union, Moree Junior Tennis, Moree Little Athletics and prior to their events ceasing he was also a member of the Moree Swimming Club & Moree Services Triathlon and Cycling club. Jonah has represented Moree at a state level in Little Athletics and has been a part of the representative side for Rugby Union.

Community Group of the Year - Airforce Cadets
Air Force Cadets 339 Squadron of Moree is made up of 20 cadets. These cadets have lifted the profile of young people honouring Australian Defence Force personnel, by carrying out Dawn Service and ANZAC Day and Remembrance Day Ceremonies in Moree and Pallamallawa.

Community Event of the Year - Moree on a Plate (MOP)
Run entirely by volunteers, this tourist attraction food festival showcases the vast array of food, wine and produce from Moree and the surrounding region.

Moree’s Citizen of the Year - Lloyd Munro Snr
Lloyd is well respected within the Moree community and is known for his passion and commitment to his beloved Moree Boomerangs.
Lloyd has given the Moree community many hours of his time over the last forty years. He is an active board member for the Moree Boomerangs and chairperson of Miyay Birray Youth Service, deputy chair of the Moree Local Aboriginal Land Council, and Pius X Aboriginal Corporation, a member of the Moree Local Aboriginal Educational Consultative Group (AECG), Moree Secondary College, Moree East Primary School Reference Group, and the Moree Reconciliation Group.

Among those recipients recognised is the newly honoured Australia Day Mayors Award which was awarded to Glen Crump. Glen has been chosen for the 2023 Australia Day Mayors Award for his continued passionate commitment and contribution to the Moree community.

The event held at Jellicoe Park was sponsored by Moree Plains Shire Council and organised by the Moree Lions Club providing the community with a free BBQ breakfast.


