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Engaging with our Aboriginal Community Members - Council Committed to Reconciliation

Moree Plains Shire Council is committed to taking meaningful action to advance reconciliation. To support this undertaking, as outlined in Council’s Community Strategic Plan 2032 and Operational Plan 2022-2023 a Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) is being developed.

Based on the core pillars of relationships, respect and opportunities, RAPs provide tangible and substantive benefits for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, increasing economic equity and supporting First Nations' self-determination.

Mayor, Mark Johnson advised, “that the development of a RAP is about improving and strengthening relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and other Australians and encouraging all in our Shire to be involved in reconciliation strategies that will inspire our community".

Corporate Culcha Pty Ltd, have been engaged to assist in the delivery of Moree Plains Shire Council’s Reconciliation Action Plan Community Consultations.  Corporate Culcha is an Indigenous owned and operated consultancy which focuses on working with clients to enhance organisation cultures to be more inclusive of and accessible to Indigenous people.

Jodi SampsonPrincipal Facilitator and Development Lead, Mr. Jodi Sampson said that the “Corporate Culcha team can enable Moree Plains Shire Council to gain a deeper understanding of their ‘spheres of influence’, and at the same time, facilitate the voice of the Community to establish the best approach for Moree Plains Shire Council to advance reconciliation for our Moree Plains Shire communities”.  

Jodi is well respected former Moree resident with strong cultural connections throughout Moree Plains Shire and beyond.

Corporate Culcha will undertake an extensive engagement with Moree Plains Communities during February 2023 to engage and understand which appropriate Reconciliation Action Plan and framework is recommended.

A free BBQ and information session will be held, and all Aboriginal Community members are encouraged to come along to the following locations.

👉 Mungindi
Mungindi Pool (Free admission during session), Monday 20 February 2023
Time: 10:30am-1:00pm (NSW)

👉 Toomelah
Toomelah Community Centre Tuesday 21 February 2023 Time: 10:30am-1:00pm (NSW)

👉 Boggabilla
TAFE Boggabilla - Wednesday 22 February 2023 Time: 10:30am-1:00pm (NSW)

👉 Moree
Kirkby Park (Rocket Park) - Thursday 23 February 2023
Time: 10.30am-1:00pm


For more information about the Reconciliation process, please visit:

Photo - Jodi Sampson - credit

