What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Request for Tender – RFT23/17 - Village Maintenance Contracts

Moree Plains Shire Council invites tenders from suitably qualified and experienced contractors for the mowing and other specified maintenance activities for the villages of Ashley, Boomi, Garah and Old Town Garah in the Moree Plains Shire.

Full details are provided in the tender documents which are available free of charge from Council's eTendering portal at the website noted below from Thursday 30 March 2023.

Technical enquiries regarding this tender should be directed to the eTendering forum.

Tenders quoting the reference number RFT23/17 and addressed to the General Manager will be received up until closing time 5pm Friday 21 April. Tenders must be lodged through the NSW Government eTendering website at:


The lowest or any tender may not necessarily be accepted.


