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Modern Manufacturing Inside a Modern Region

Modern Manufacturing WFriday, 31 March a group of around 20 people attended the inaugural ‘Modern Manufacturing Inside a Modern Region’ for the Moree Plains Shire in the Max Ballroom.

NSW Modern Manufacturing Commissioner, Lisa Emerson spoke about the relevance of modern manufacturing to the Moree Shire and the potential benefits for the future.

A productive discussion, facilitated by Michael Sharpe was had to explore what else can we make in regional NSW and how can we best support new and existing businesses.

Service NSW Business Concierge Team and Tourism Moree were present and displayed their list of services at the display table and what services they could offer to attendees.

This event was organised by the NSW Government in association with UNE Smart Region Incubator, Moree Plains Shire Council and Narrabri Shire Council.

Photo - Panelist, Mark Sterbic - SMaRT@UNSW TBC, Tung Ta - FPT Software, Penny Crawford - Crawford Boots, Gunnedah, Jamie Condon – SierraTek, Narrabri, Geraldine Faber - Fabers Weld N Tools, Narrabri, David Statham – Sundown Pastoral Company, Moree


