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Council Calls for Community Representatives On Council Committees

Council is calling for community members to nominate for positions on two of Council’s Committees – the Urban Advisory Committee and the Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee.

Mayor Mark Johnson invites community members to submit their interest, saying “Both Committees are a great way for people who are passionate about improving the Moree Plains to get involved in local decision making.”

“Council relies on the feedback and recommendations from its Advisory Committees to help inform strategic direction and policy setting at the Council table. It is critical that the Council gets input from the community and our Advisory Committees are a great forum for this to occur.”

Expressions of interest are open and appointments to each of the Committees will be ratified at the Ordinary Council Meeting to be held 18 May 2023.

Each Committee has a unique focus and both make recommendations to Council:

  • Urban Advisory Committee – Considers cultural, heritage and environmental design matters of the urban environments of Moree Plains Shire, such as the central business districts, town entrances and public halls. The Committee also makes recommendations on heritage listings and administration of heritage funds.
  • Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee - The Committee provides advice on Council policies, plans, services, and projects that impact on people with disabilities. It assists with disability advocacy, helps promote the benefits of diversity and enhances understanding about barriers to equality facing people with disabilities. The Committee also aids Council in engagement activities with people with disability, as well as reviews and monitors the implementation of Council's Disability Inclusion Action Plan.

Nominations can be made online at https://forms.office.com/r/vBmnaBV08u.

Paper versions of the nomination form can be obtained by contacting Victoria Harris at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 02 6757 3222.

Nominations close COB Wednesday 3 May 2023.


