From Mayor to Mayor, Thank you
A mayoral minute was presented at Council’s Ordinary Council Meeting on Thursday 20 April to thank our former Mayor, Katrina Humphries for her significant contribution to the Moree Plains Shire after her long-standing tenure of thirteen years. Katrina is the Shire’s longest serving Mayor.
Mayor Johnson thanked and acknowledged her strong leadership, not only through day-to-day operations but for leading us all through punishing droughts, multiple floods, and the COVID-19 pandemic, in which she was a dominant voice for the cross-border issues with the community of Mungindi.
In addition to her Mayoral role, Katrina was Chair of the NSW Country Mayors Association from 2016 to 2020 and actively led the Association's advocacy for a better deal from Governments for Regional Shires during this time.
Mayor Johnson noted “The wonderful opportunities that are forecast for our Shire, including the Inland Rail and Special Activation Precinct, were born during Katrina's time. Katrina and the Councils she led were significantly influential in presenting the business case for our Shire and this is a major legacy that Katrina and those elected Councillors should be extremely proud of”.
Presented with flowers, and an Andy Warhol-inspired artwork from Council. Cr Johnson also gifted former Cr Humphries with a gavel from our Local Member, Adam Marshall, who passed on his congratulations for her commitment to the Shire.
In true, Kat style, Katrina spoke warmly of her time as Mayor and thanked her Councillors and Council team, she spoke fondly of her tight partnership with former Deputy Mayor, Sue Price and wished the current Council all the very best in their term.
Image, Mayor Mark Johnson and former Mayor, Katrina Humphries.