Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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The new practice of issuing local development approvals, consent, and determinations electronically to all current and future applicants

As of 1 July 2023, Council will no longer be issuing printed copies of local development consent, approvals, or any other post-consent certificates (Construction Certificates/Occupation Certificates/Section 68/Building Information Certificate).

Please be advised that all local development consent, approvals as well as all other post consent certificates will only be issued electronically via the NSW Planning Portal or by email. 

Please note that if Council receives a request for the stamping, printing, and mailing of any local development consent or post consent certificate plans or documents, this transaction will incur a $66.00 fee as per the applicable fees and charges for ‘Certified Copy of a Document, Map or Plan.’

If you have any questions regarding this notice, please feel free to contact Council’s Planning and Development team - (02) 6757 3222.


