Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Contamination Station Podcast

James Maxwell - Contamination StationOur very own, James Maxwell, Environment & Compliance Manager for Moree Plains Shire Council, has completed an episode ‘Contaminated Land as a Human Issue’ which is now live on the Contamination Station: Safer Environment Together podcast.

In this episode, James discusses his background as Environment & Compliance Manager for Moree Plains Shire Council, and 10 years of environmental consultancy prior to that.

Sharing his direct experience with the integrated management of a large and growing number of burnt, derelict and asbestos-containing properties within the Shire, working cross agency and with the community. 

You'll hear insight into the impact a lack of technical expertise can have in rural areas, what it takes to deal with asbestos issues in dilapidated properties that have been left unmanaged, and why we must consider contaminated land, especially asbestos issues, as a human and community issue. 

You can listen on all the major podcast players (Apple, Spotify, etc.) or directly at https://mossenviro.com.au



