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Council offers interest free payment plans as it resumes water usage billing after a 12-month delay due to faulty meters

Moree Plains Shire Council has announced it is recommencing water usage billing, after delays caused by some faulty new smart meters it had been rolling out across the shire, and is offering interest free payment plans to anyone inconvenienced by the one off 12-month bill.

General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh said the Council had suspended the billing of customers while it rectified the water meter problems and recognised a bill for the 12-month period could cause some concern or hardship for certain ratepayers.

“Council wants all of our ratepayers to know we are ready to listen if they have concerns about the way their bills have been calculated, or if they simply need some extra time to pay them because they cover a longer than usual period of usage,” Mr Tytherleigh said.

“Council acknowledges the 12 month bills may be an unexpected larger expense and even a financial strain for some households, so we’re waiving all interest charges on the 2022/23 water usage notices until 30 June 2024.

Mr Tytherleigh said ratepayers will receive their water notices in the mail over the coming weeks, with those who receive notices electronically having already been issued with them.

“Accompanying the water usage notices all ratepayers will receive a letter indicating the status of the new smart meter on their property and Council will once again resume sending out quarterly water usage notices from September 2023,” Mr Tytherleigh said.

“These new meters will be a great tool for ratepayers to measure and understand their water usage so they can reduce water wastage and save money - but anyone who might encounter issues paying this one off 12-month bill, or who is otherwise experiencing financial hardship, should please contact Council so we can discuss how we can help,” Mr Tytherleigh said.

Assessment Number LocationShould ratepayers wish to know the status of their smart meter beforehand you are encouraged to enter your assessment number (located on your bill) to determine the outcome of the smart water meter installed.

 Any ratepayer seeking clarification is encouraged to contact Council (02)6757 3222 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

In 2020, Council looked into smart water meter technology as part of the long-term water security strategy for the region to modernise the ageing infrastructure in place, and allow customers to monitor in real-time their water consumption. Through an online portal, they can detect leaks and reduce consumption and encourage customers to better monitor their water use and promote efficient water use.

There were teething issues and unexpected challenges with the rollout with some commercial and residential water meters across the Shire needing replacement.

Once the issues were identified, Council took steps for a replacement program to replace 2830 smart meters. Currently, 222 smart water meters in the Shire still need to be replaced.

This is not an isolated issue for only Moree Plains Shire Council, with other councils across Australia that have installed and implemented these smart water meters experiencing similar issues.


 Water Bill Frequently Asked Questions

What was wrong with my old meter, why did it have to get replaced?

In 2020, Council looked into smart water meter technology as part of the long-term water security strategy for the region to modernise the ageing infrastructure in place and allow customers to monitor their water consumption in real-time.

How will I know if I had a faulty or replaced water meter?

Each ratepayer will receive a letter with their water usage notices, indicating the status of their installed smart water meter. 

Can I find out about my water meter status before the letter arrives?

To see the status beforehand, go to Council’s website www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au  enter the assessment number (refer to an old assessment notice or phone Council for your assessment number) for an outcome on the status of your smart water meter.

If my smart water meter has been replaced, will I incur a cost? 

No. No additional costs have been passed on to the ratepayer for the replacement of faulty water meters.

Can I go on a payment plan?

Yes. Council offers Direct Debits payments. Please phone Council to set this up, or please fill in the Direct Debit Service Request form and return to Council. 

Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 

Will Council return to sending quarterly water bill notices?

Ratepayers will again start to receive quarterly water usage notices in the 2023/24 financial year from September 2023.

How many smart water meters have had to be replaced?

There have been 2830 smart water meters replaced, with 222 meters still to be replaced within the Shire. 

Will I be charged interest on my water notice for 2022/23?

Council is waiving any interest charges on water bills in relation to the 2022/23 financial year. 

What do I need to do if I receive a letter indicating an ‘Actual’ read

Pay your bill as normal.

What do I need to do if I receive a letter indicating an ‘Average’ read

Pay your bill as normal. If you are concerned about your average read, please contact Council to discuss a review of your average read.

What do I need to do if I receive a letter indicating ‘Yet to be replaced’

Pay your bill as normal. If your smart water meter has not been replaced yet, the charge may be re-calculated after your meter has been replaced and a new bill issued.

What if I haven’t been at this address for more than 9 years?

If you have moved into a new property.  Within the last 12 months, all meters were checked and were replaced upon sale if they were deemed faulty. Please contact Council if you have any concerns. 

Why a 9 year average?

Council uses a rolling average to prepare the annual budget, this methodology accounts for annual seasonal changes as well as droughts and floods.   

What were the water consumption charges for the 2022-2023 financial year?
 Treated Water Consumption Charges  Untreated Water Consumption Charges 
 0 - 750kl  $1.52 /kL  0-750kl   $1.02 /kL
 > 750kl  $2.03 /kL    <8000 /kL  > 750kl    $1.35 /kL 
 > 8000kl $1.52 /kL  > 8000kl  $1.02 /kL
Is this just a Moree Plains Shire Council issue?

No. There are councils across Australia that have installed and implemented these smart water meters that are experiencing similar issues.


Council contact details

Phone: (02) 6757 3222
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 
Postal: Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400
In Person: Level 2, Max Centre, Moree 


