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Crime Prevention Conversations Continue

Conversations Minister Yasmin Catley MP

Conversations on targeting crime and improving safety in the Moree Plains were had yesterday in the Council Chambers with the NSW Minister of Justice, Police and Counter-Terrorism The Hon. Yasmin Catley MP, Member for Northern Tablelands The Hon. Adam Marshall MP, Mayor Mark Johnson, Deputy Mayor Susannah Pearse, Cr Kelly James, Council staff, along with community representatives Glen Crump, Lloyd Munro and Daryl Smith.

The discussion focused on how state and local government and community groups can better collaborate on solutions to address local law enforcement challenges, such as consistency and processes in the judicial system, and how we can improve overall safety and security for the Shire.

It was noted that more direct communications to the community from the NSW Police around crime and their crime prevention strategies are required to help the community stay informed. Mayor Mark Johnson expressed his appreciation for the increase in resources from the NSW Police deployed to the Moree Plains, however, recognised this shared problem needs shared solutions, and calls on agencies, service providers and the community to step-up and work together.

Streamlining the work of local services providers and agencies to avoid duplication was identified as a priority, as well as establishing a far more rigorous process for government-funded services to help ensure meaningful outcomes are delivered.

Crime is not restricted to the Moree Plains Shire Post Codes, and that’s why Council sought action from NSW Government on cross-border jurisdiction and collaboration for Mungindi and Boggabilla with the Queensland Government, as well as neighbouring NSW regional areas.

Council also used the meeting to discuss with Minister Cately our ongoing advocacy to the newly elected NSW Government to back and support the Special Activation Precinct (SAP) for the future of our residents. The SAP will create pathways for employment and strengthen the growth opportunities for the entire Shire.


