Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Recognising Fifteen Years of Work Done by The Honourable Mark Coulton MP


Today Councillors and Council Senior Management recognised and congratulated the Hon Mark Coulton MP on his fifteen-year political career and thanked him for the wonderful work he has done on behalf of the Moree Plains Shire and the Electorate of Parkes.

The electorate of Parkes covers over 393,000 square kilometres, one of the largest in Federal politics and includes over 109,000 electors.

Mark has been and continues to be a champion for regional Australia and has paid particular focus on communication and transport over his career.

During the six terms of his political career which commenced in 2007, Mr Coulton has held numerous portfolios and responsibilities including.
• Assistant Minister for Trade, Tourism and Investment
• Minister for Regional Services, Decentralisation and Local Government
• Minister for Regional Health and Regional Communications
• Deputy Speaker
• Chief Whip for the Nationals

It is essential that we recognise the wonderful work and support of his wife Robyn who has been consistent over those tens of thousands of kilometres they have travelled within his role.

Photograph - (Back) Director of Engineering John Dyer, The Hon Mark Coulton MP, Cr Lisa Orchin, Acting General Manager, Nick Tobin, Cr Mike Montgomery.
(Front) Robyn Coulton, Cr Kelly James, Cr Mark Johnson, Mayor of Moree Plains Shire Council, Cr Susannah Pearse, Deputy Mayor of Moree Plains Shire Council.


