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The Re-election of Cr Johnson as Mayor and Cr Pearse as Deputy Mayor

Mayor Johnson and Deputy Mayor Pearse.WCongratulations to Cr Mark Johnson and Cr Susannah Pearse who were successful in being re-elected as Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Moree Plains Shire Council.

The mayoral elections were held in the Council Chambers at the Ordinary Council Meeting, yesterday 21 September 2023 where Council resolved to hold the office of Deputy Mayor.

One nomination for the office of both Mayor and Deputy Mayor were received resulting in Cr Johnson and Cr Pearse being re-elected unopposed in which no further ballots are required.

The elections were held in accordance with the Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) as per directed by the Office of Local Government.

After their re-election, both Councillors thanked their fellow Councillors, Council staff and the wider community for their support over the last 20 months.

“I appreciate the confidence and support my fellow Councillors give me, the first twelve months were certainly challenging, but it is a privilege to continue to work for the Shire to make positive changes”, expressed Mayor Mark Johnson.

Restating to the Chambers, Councillor Pearse reiterated the questions posed to all Councillors when running for election in December 2021. Reminding her fellow Councillors of their ambitions for the Shire, the challenges and the successes that lay ahead and with twelve months left to go, “Let’s make each one count, and tick off our wish lists for our Shire”.

“We are fortunate to have a Council team that brings so much passion and expertise to the table and it is my continued privilege to sit alongside you all”, remarked Councillor Pearse.

The term of office for the Mayor and Deputy Mayor will run until 14 September 2024; at which time the next Local Government elections will be held and all Councillor positions become vacant.


