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Funding Achievement for Childcare Education

Mungindi Childcare Services set to continue.Mungindi families will reap the benefits of having continued childcare services in Mungindi after Moree Plains Shire Council has been successful in securing $900,000 through the Community Child Care Fund (CCCF) for the establishment of the Mungindi Community Child Care Education Hub (Hub).

This week the Minister for Early Childhood Education, the Hon Dr Anne Aly MP, announced the outcome of the grant recipients for Centre Based Child Care (CBDC) services, providing $600,000 for establishment and sustainability support and $300,000 for capital support over the next 2 years.

Mayor Mark Johnson is excited for the community of Mungindi stating “This outcome brings peace of mind for families who will now have continuing access to quality care and early education, enabling families to remain active in employment. The Hub will bring added benefits of providing employment for approximately 4-8 employees, which is significant in a small town”.

Currently, preschool facilities for 3-year-olds are located on the Queensland side of Mungindi. Following changes to the present Queensland funding model, 3-year-olds are no longer funded for preschool, which will result in the facility having to close its doors at the end of 2023.

Through his grant funding Council is now able to provide for the community of Mungindi equal and accessible access to education and social interaction through a long day care facility for children 0-5 years of age, along with out-of-school hours care and vocational care available to all children.

Advocacy for this high quality of care and education was strongly supported by the Hon. Mark Coulton MP, the Hon. Adam Marshall MP, NSW Cross Border Commission, Mungindi Central School, Balonne Shire Council, Mungindi Progress Association and St Joseph’s School, Mungindi.

Balonne Shire Council and Moree Plains Shire Council will continue to work together to advocate for additional funding, strengthening and growing our cross-border relationship.

The Hub will be owned and operated by current Approved Provider, Moree Plains Shire Council. The location of the Mungindi Community Child Care Education Hub is still being investigated.


