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Council Welcomes the New Director of Planning and Development

Darryl Fitzgerald Following a nationwide recruitment campaign, we are pleased to announce the appointment of Darryl Fitzgerald to the Council team as the Director of Planning and Development.

Darryl comes to us with a wealth of experience as a town planner, having been both a planning consultant and Planning Director in New South Wales Local Government over the last 33 years.

Darryl’s senior management experience in Local Government extends across a range of services including development control, strategic planning, building, environment, environmental health, and rangers.

General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh is excited to have appointed the new Director, who will oversee the Planning and Development department and help guide and shape the future of the Moree Plains.

“Darryl will commence early December and I look forward to his leadership in the organisation and making him feel welcome in the Moree Plains”, said Mr Tytherleigh.

Darryl holds a double Major degree in Geography and Development, and a Masters of Local Government Law, and is knowledgeable in urban building principles and practices.

Photo - Darryl Fitzgerald, Director of Planning and Development.


