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Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan

Moree and surrounding areas are expected to grow over the next 20 years with the arrival of the Inland Rail and the Special Activation Precinct (SAP). Moree Plains Shire Council is progressing with plans to provide more housing in the right locations and to deliver the required infrastructure through the development of the Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan (Plan).

This Plan is the next step in implementing the adopted Moree Plains Local Housing Strategy 2022, which identified the need for an additional 2,050 to 4,400 new dwellings in Moree Shire by 2041.

Council resolved at its Ordinary Council Meeting, 14 December 2023 to place on public exhibition the draft Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan (Plan) for no less than 28 days.
Drop-in sessions to view the draft Plan are scheduled for:

Thursday, 8 February 2024 - 12pm to 3pm, Coles Forecourt, 85 Balo Street Moree
Thursday, 8 February 2024 -   5pm to 7pm, Pally Pub 59 Bingera Street, Pallamallawa.

General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh expressed how “Council will consider community feedback on the draft Moree Growth and Infrastructure Plan and will decide whether to make changes to the draft Plan or adopt the Plan as exhibited as a blueprint for the next steps”.

Some of this growth could potentially be accommodated in five investigation areas in Southwest Moree and Pallamallawa. The Plan will provide Council with a Masterplan and Infrastructure Plan for the five investigation areas:

Outer South-West Expansion Area
Livingston Farm Expansion Area
Airport West Expansion Area
Mosquito Creek Investigation Area
River Road Investigation Area

Ensuring this growth happens with your feedback is imperative so that the economic, environmental and social well-being of our region remains in focus.

You can provide feedback using the survey through Council’s website or by writing to the General Manager, Moree Plains Council, PO Box 420 Moree NSW 2400 or emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The survey is open until 19 February 2024.

To read more about the Growth and Infrastructure >> https://www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/hot-topics/moree-growth-and-infrastructure-plan


