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Great Artesian Basin 

Expressions of Interest close - 13 March 2024

The department is accepting ‘Expressions of Interest’ to fill the position of NSW community representative to the Great Artesian Basin Stakeholder Advisory Committee (GABSAC).

This is an interjurisdictional panel established under an agreement between the Commonwealth and the NSW, Queensland, South Australia and Northern Territory governments.

The Committee's role is to advise Basin ministers on the views of industry, communities and other stakeholders to support the delivery of the Great Artesian Basin Strategic Management Plan 2019 (the Plan).

Open to NSW residents
If you reside in NSW, have a strong connection to the GAB and are interested in the role of the GABSAC NSW community representative, please email an Expression of Interest This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Wednesday 13 March 2024.

Written submissions can be sent via post to:
GAB Stakeholder Advisory Committee
Department of Climate Change, Energy, the Environment and Water
Suite 1/21-27 Grant Street, Port Macquarie NSW 2444

Please include the following:
• Your resume and
• A cover letter detailing your suitability as a NSW community representative including outlining your:
o residence in NSW and strong connection to the GAB
o knowledge on GAB matters
o community involvement in GAB matters
o capability to actively seek and present the views of NSW community stakeholders on GAB matters.

The Committee
The GABSAC consists of a maximum of 14 members representing each Basin State and Territory selected through a skill-based expression of interest process. The Committee provides advice to Basin ministers on the views of industry, communities and other stakeholders on water matters concerning the GAB.

In particular, the Committee will:
• advise ministers on GAB matters, including matters related to the implementation of the Plan
• advise ministers on how to maximise community involvement in GAB matters
• liaise with and represent the views of their community
• provide a two-way information flow on policy matters between ministers, organisations, and stakeholder representatives.

Committee members responsibilities
Each committee member must:
• represent their community of interest and /or their skills-base
• participate in discussions on basin matters before the Committee unless a conflict of interest exists
• broadcast outcomes of Committee discussions to their community of interest
• be an active participant of the Committee, attending meetings and engaging in communication and activities between meetings (where required)
• provide a member report for each meeting detailing activities the member has undertaken since the last meeting on GAB matters and include the views and information they represent that the Committee should be aware of.

Sitting fees and travel costs
Non-government and non-industry members of the Committee are eligible to receive sitting fees and travel allowance.


