Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Regional Drought Resilience Plan

Narrabri and Moree Plains Shire Councils have partnered to prepare a Regional Drought Resilience Plan. The Regional Drought Resilience Planning program is jointly funded by the Australian Government and the NSW Government under the Future Drought Fund.

It is important that the Moree Plains Regional Drought Resilience Plan is informed by the community who live through the drought cycles in the region. The Plan will focus on identifying projects which can enhance drought resilience and your thoughts and ideas are critical.

We would like to hear from you.

Simply complete the online survey or come to the Max Centre Level 2, 30 Heber Street, Moree to complete a hard copy of the survey. 

More information on this nationwide initiative can be found at https://www.nsw.gov.au/regional-nsw/drought-relief/regional-drought-resilience-planning

We thank you for your valuable participation.


