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Request for Tender (RFT)NumberRFT24/05 SR25 Caloona Road Construction and Bitumen Sealing

Tenders are invited from pre-qualified contractors under the National Prequalification Scheme at Roadworks Category R1 (or higher) and Financial Category F5 (or higher) for the construction and bitumen sealing of Shire Road No. 25 Caloona RoadWeemelah. The work generally involves the construction of approximately 6.0km of road upgrade including intersections and tie-ins to adjoining roads.

The work includes, but is not limited to traffic management, earthworks, pavements, stormwater drainage, public utility adjustments/protection, bitumen sealing, road furniture, rural accesses, clearing and vegetation.

All Tenderers must comply with the Moree Plains Shire Council Procurement and Code of Conduct policies. Copies of policies are available here.

This project is jointly funded by the NSW Government under Restart NSW.

A pre-tender meeting including a site inspection will be held on Wednesday 12 June 2024 at the Moree Plains Shire Council Administration Office, Level 2 Max Centre 30 Heber St Moree, NSW, commencing at 10am.

Attendance is mandatory to submit a conforming tender. You must register your attendance with the Contact Officer identified in the RFT documents by close of business on
 Tuesday 11 June 2024.  

This is a Quality Assured Contract with method of payment being by Schedule of Rates. The General Conditions of Contract shall be GC21 (Edition 2 January 2024) as amended.

RFT TypeRequest for tenders (open) - Applicants are initially evaluated against published selection criteria. 

RFT invitation date:  4 June 2024

RFT submissions close: 2pm 2 July 2024


