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You should be a Cop - Police Expo 

MOREE 17762 Posters You Should be a Cop in Your Hometown A3 PRINTIf you have ever thought about becoming a police officer, there’s never been a better time.

Be a Cop in your hometown will be piloted by the Oxley and New England PDs, with activities occurring on the following dates:

10am to 4pm Sunday 7 July – Police Expo at the Moree PCYC

The ‘Police Expo’ will showcase a range of NSW Police Force career pathways including:

- Charles Sturt University
- Dog Unit
- Forensic Evidence and Technical Services
- Local police
- Prosecutors
- Rescue and Bomb Disposal Unit
- Recruitment Branch
- Rural Crime Prevention Team
- Shared Services
- Tactical Operations Regional Support
- Traffic and Highway Patrol
- Youth Command
- Radio Operations - PoliceLink


