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Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan

Moree Plains Shire Council’s commitment to ensuring our Shire is inclusive to all community members is to be represented in our new Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan.

Plans set out how we propose to work with community members to build a more inclusive Shire for the benefit of everyone through promoting positive community attitudes and behaviours, ensuring our communities are as liveable and inclusive as possible for all members of our community, recognising the need for meaningful employment opportunities for all community members and making sure Council does our bit in making our systems and processes more accessible.

While the Disability Inclusion Action Plan and Reconciliation Action Plan are a step in the right direction to making our Shire an inclusive community, Moree Plains Shire Council is aware that these Plans are simply the foundation to recognise the rights of all members of our community and much more work needs to be done to build a better future for all. We look forward to working with you to achieve this.

We would like to continue to work with the community to ensure our Plans reflect Council's collective vision and goals for reconciliation and inclusion and invite you all along to these vital community consultation sessions. 

Community Consultation sessions


