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Draft Voluntary Planning Agreement DA2018/10

Voluntary Planning Agreement  

Draft Planning Agreement: Under s7.4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 
Between parties: Moree Plains Shire Council ABN 46 566 790 582 of 30 Heber Street, MOREE NSW 2400 (Council) and Providore Holdings Pty Ltd ACN 607 978 138 of ‘Tallawanta’, 5088 Gingham Road, GARAH NSW 2405  (Developer)

Description of the Land to which the Draft Planning Agreement Applies: The Draft Planning Agreement applies to Lot 16 DP 750491 otherwise known as ‘Tallawanta’, 5088 Gingham Road, GARAH NSW 2405

Description of Proposed Development: Development as described in Development Consent to Development Application DA2018/10 to operate a staged 10,000-head cattle feedlot at the property, as modified from time to time (Development). The approval includes two stages. Stage 1 allows up to 7,000-head of cattle. Stage 2 allows expansion of the feedlot up to 10,000-head of cattle.

Period of Exhibition: The Voluntary Planning Agreement will be on exhibition for 28 Days, from Thursday 29 August 2024 until Thursday 26 September 2024.

Please note that submissions may be disclosed to Councillors, council officers, consultants to Council, or members of the public in accordance with Section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Submissions, summaries of submissions, and names and addresses of persons making submissions may also be included in publicly available reports relating to the development application. Under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009, Council must also allow inspection of any submissions it receives and allow persons to make copies.

However, if you consider that disclosure of your place of living would put your or your family’s personal safety at risk, you can apply to Council under Section 739 of the Local Government Act 1993 which requires that requests for protection of privacy be made in writing to the General Manager. The request is to give particulars of the relevant risk to the person and is to be verified by a statutory declaration by the person making the request or by some other person.

It is a requirement that all Political Donations and Gifts are reported to Council by completing a Disclosure Statement form.


