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A Special Day For Nine New Australian Citizens

On Australia Day nine of Moree’s community members were officially welcomed as Australian Citizens through a special citizenship ceremony held at the Banquet Hall.

Doctor Nada Abu Alrub, Mr Roberto and Lance Eugenio, Ms Debabarna and Mr Subhadeep Ghosh, Mr Umesh Kumar, Ms Sohyun Lee, Miss Jytte Mikkelsen and Miss Sara-Jayne Winn received their citizenship on Australia Day becoming Moree’s newest Australian citizens.

Doctor Nada Abu Alru speaking to the Moree community with the New Australia Citizens seated next to her. Mayor Katrina Humphries welcomed our new Australian citizens highlighting the importance of the ceremony and what it means to be Australia. 

“Citizenship ceremonies symbolise unity within our nation as we welcomed people from all cultural backgrounds into the Australian family,” Cr Humphries emphasised.

“Becoming an Australian citizen is a momentous occasion where an individual officially decides to call Australia home, it’s a special moment that will influence the future generation of their children.

“Leading citizenship ceremonies is a highlight of my role as Mayor; I am able to see firsthand how diverse our community is and join in on celebrating the final stage of each individual’s migrant journey.”

Each new Australia Citizen was provided with a framed certificate of citizenship and a native tree, Mayor Humphries announcing the tree will grow with them and their experiences as a new Australian citizen.

At the conclusion of the ceremony, Mayor Humphries asked if anyone would like to share a few words regarding their new citizenship, what it means to them and their pathway to this point.

Both Doctor Nada Abu Alrub and Miss Jytte Mikkelsen used the opportunity to share their excitement regarding their citizenship and thanked their Australian family and friends for supporting them throughout the processes.

The ceremony concluded with the whole community singing two verses of the national anthem, Advance Australia Fair.

Photograph: Doctor Nada Abu Alru speaking to the Moree community with the New Australia Citizens seated next to her.


