What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Reminder To Check Myroadinfo For Road Closures

Moree Plains Shire Council wishes to remind residents to use the www.myroadinfo.com.au website or phone app to access the most up-to-date information regarding road closures as the recent rainfall has affected some local roads within and surrounding the Shire.

To view to Moree Plain Shire area and surrounding roads, select the North West Slopes Region on the map. Myroadinfo is continuously updated in real-time with information about road conditions and scheduled and unplanned works, with information staying on the website until the status of the road is changed to open. 

Motorists should check their route against the map to ensure their trip is not interrupted. It is an offence to drive past signage indicating that a road is closed as there could be dangerous washouts and significant amounts of water still present.  Persons causing damage to the roads may be liable and fines are enforceable by Police.

The MyRoadInfo app can be downloaded from the Apple or Google Play for IOS and android devices.

Apple Store

Google Play Store

Remember do not walk, ride, drive through floodwaters and for emergency help in floods and storms call the SES on 132 500.


