What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Now Open in Moree - Boughton Oval 

COVID-19 Community Update 16

From tomorrow morning, Thursday 21 May 2020, Boughton Oval will be reopened, in accordance with the NSW Government’s easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

“Ovals are important to the health and wellbeing of community members and reopening Boughton Oval, whilst abiding by the NSW COVID-19 restrictions, will no doubt be embraced by the community”, said General Manager Lester Rodgers.

Now Open in Moree - Boughton Oval 

COVID-19 Community Update 16

From tomorrow morning, Thursday 21 May 2020, Boughton Oval will be reopened, in accordance with the NSW Government’s easing of COVID-19 restrictions.

“Ovals are important to the health and wellbeing of community members and reopening Boughton Oval, whilst abiding by the NSW COVID-19 restrictions, will no doubt be embraced by the community”, said General Manager Lester Rodgers.

OPEN Boughton Oval

Community members may only participate in public gatherings of 10 people or less.

Participants in such gatherings must observe strict social distancing requirements, maintaining at least 1.5m distance between participants.

Open for approved Group Fitness classes (group of 10 including instructor).

You must complete the COVID-19 Sportsfield Booking Form. Any groups wishing to organise group fitness activities at Boughton Oval should contact Council’s Engineering Services to arrange this booking on 6757 3222.

For personal trainers or gym operators restricted from using their usual place of business due to COVID-19, casual hire fees for oval use will be waived on application, with fields at Boughton Oval allocated on a first-come, first-served basis.

Good personal hygiene must be maintained through hand washing/sanitising hands.

BYO hand sanitiser.

Public Toilets closed.

Grandstands and seating closed.

No seasonal sport or training.

No junior or senior sport or training.

Council is urging members of the public to exercise caution when using facilities and to continue to adhere to social distancing requirements and restrictions on outdoor gatherings of 10 people or less.

There are no other changes to the opening/closing of all other Council facilities.

The information set out in this Media Release is current as at 2pm, Wednesday 20 May 2020. 


