Truck Art Competition Extended!
Artwork entries for the 2020 Truck Art Competition has been extended to Monday, 31 August 2020!
The extended competition date will provide students and teachers with more time to get their creative flair flowing and plan a design for this year’s theme, ‘be green, keep your recycling clean’.
Truck Art Competition Extended!
Artwork entries for the 2020 Truck Art Competition has been extended to Monday, 31 August 2020!
The extended competition date will provide students and teachers with more time to get their creative flair flowing and plan a design for this year’s theme, ‘be green, keep your recycling clean’.
To support learning and provide students with inspiration for their design, Council and Cleanaway have developed an online learning platform showing the correct waste materials to place into each of Council’s three bins - recycling, organics and garbage. The online platform includes quizzes and a game to reinforce student’s learning.
Each entry will be individually judged by Moree Plains Shire Council and Cleanaway employees and the winner will be selected based on their artistic creativity and how well they depicted the competition theme.
The winning design will be displayed on local council waste collection trucks and the school-aged artist will be awarded a $150 Love Local Gift Card.
All entrants should complete the attached competition entry form (also found on Council’s website) and submit their design and form to Cleanaway by 31 August by emailing This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or post to:
Jacqui Norrie
PO Box 159, Moree 2400
All school aged children who attend a school throughout the Moree Plains are eligible to enter, only one entry per child will be accepted.
For inspiration and education on what can be placed in the ‘green lid’ our rubbish bins, visit Greenius