Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Media Releases

Media Releases

Moree-Sydney Flight Route Licence Renewal

The current licence for the Moree-Sydney flight route is due for renewal and Transport for NSW is undertaking the process for the next licence period (commencing September 2024).

Moree Plains Shire Council understands that this service is of critical importance to our community and the residents of the greater Northwest. Transport for NSW and Council values the engagement of the broader community in this exercise. Council will be actively engaging with Transport for NSW during this process and encourages users of the Moree-Sydney air service to have their say. 

The air services which operate from the Moree Regional Airport are fundamental to the Moree community and provide critical links for businesses, access to health care and education for our residents, and make a positive contribution to amenities and quality of life in the region.

The Moree Plains Shire Council General Manager, Kelvin Tytherleigh commented, “A reliable air service that best meets Moree’s needs is key to the liveability of our Shire and supporting our business community.  It is incumbent on Council to ensure that the outcome aligns with the broader community sentiments”.

QR Code Airline SurveyCommunity members who wish to express their views and feedback can access the Moree-Sydney Flight Route licence renewal community survey available via the QR Code or via the survey link Flight Route Licence Renewal Survey

Alternatively written submissions can be sent to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Post: Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400

Submissions close: Wednesday 24 April 2024 at 5pm.

For further information on the program, please contact Moree Plains Shire Council on (02) 6757 3222.


