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Small Business and Event Partnership Funding

Raine and Horne MuralAttention to all aspiring entrepreneurs, small business owners and local event organisers in the Moree Plains!

Council is pleased to announce that it is once again delivering the Small Business Fund initiative following its success last year, along with announcing a new initiative, the Event Partnership Fund.

Applications for both funding programs are now open.

“The Small Business and Event Partnership Funds aim to encourage, support, and promote positive economic activity that will contribute to the overall growth and progress of our Shire,” stated Deputy Mayor Susannah Pearse.

The Small Business Program is designed to help support and stimulate eligible small businesses and start-ups with a one-off grant of up to $5,000. The funds can be used for various business development purposes as outlined in the guidelines, from signage/façade improvements to marketing initiatives. Council has allocated $20,000 toward this round of the program.

The all new Event Partnership Program is designed to support and expand local events in the Shire, giving visitors more reasons to stop and stay in the Moree Plains and enriching the lives of our local residents. Local event organisers can apply for a one-off maximum payment of up to $10,000. Council has allocated $40,000 toward this program to help foster and promote local events in the region.

“Council is excited to see what the community puts forward for the first round of this program,” said Deputy Mayor Pearse.

“We know that the best ideas come from our community members, so if you’ve had a budding idea for an event showcasing our great region, now is the time to work with your local community groups and make it a reality.”

If you're interested in either of these funding programs, make sure to review the program guidelines and submit your application before the deadline on 6 May 2024 at 11:59pm.

Guidelines for the funding programs

Small Business Funding Program 

Event Partnership Funding Program 

Application Forms

Small Business Funding Application Form

Event Partnership Funding Application Form

For further information on the program, please contact Council’s Economic Development Team on (02) 6757 3222.     


Image - Principal of Raine & Horne Moree, Kelly Atkins, was a successful recipient in the 2023 Small Business Funding Pilot Program, colouring up her business wall with an aesthetically pleasing mural in Moree. 


