Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Moree Gateway

Road Naming for the Moree Gateway Project

We are seeking public comment on the following road name proposals.
Gateway Development Site

MAP 1 (below) is the Gateway Development site. The road to the south of Blueberry Road highlighted in the colour yellowis the road being suggested to be named “Perry James Drive”. The two roads to the north of Blueberry Road, highlighted in the colours Green and Blue, are currently unnamed and open for name suggestions.

MAP 2 (below) shows the area adjacent to the Kurrajong Industrial Estate. Currently Bulluss Drive commences at the intersection with the Newell Highway and runs east-west, with the realigned section of road coming off from it. This road continues south past the industrial estate until it reaches a corner located behind the property boundary Graincorp. Another road leads off to the south which eventually intersects with Burrington Road.
The following options are being reviewed for the naming of roads:
OPTION A (shown in red on the map above):   It is suggested that the name Bulluss Drive be extended to include the road from the intersection of the Newell Highway to the intersection with the currently unnamed road which intersects with Burrington Road.
OPTION B (shown in light blue on the map above):  It is suggested that the section of the current Bulluss Drive which extends east from the realignment be advertised to call for expressions of interest for a new name.
OPTION C (shown in dark blue on the map above):   It is suggested that the road extending from behind Graincorp to the intersection with Burrington Road be named “Winima Road” to recognise the only property located along that section of road.
Please note that all name suggestions must meet the requirements of the Geographical Names Board’s “Guidelines for Determining Place Names”. A copy of this document may be obtained by contacting Council or via this download
All naming suggestions or comments relating to these proposals are welcome and will be received up until 3.00pm on Friday 5 July 2013. 

Submissions should be addressed to the General Manager, Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree. They may also be faxed on 02 6752 3934 or emailed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

If you have any enquiries please contact the Engineering Department on 02 67 57 3256.