Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Aboriginal Heritage Study

The redrafting of Council’s Local Environmental Plan (LEP) was aimed to ensure compatibility and consistency with the standard Instrument (Local Environmental Plan) Order 2006. The rewriting of the LEP was aimed to give effect to the Aboriginal Heritage Study.

Report Structure
The report has been prepared in the following structure:

Chapter 1
Introduces the reader to the study area, defined by the local government boundaries of the Moree Plains Shire and the aims and objectives of the study. It identifies the methodology employed to undertake this study and acknowledges the contribution of Aboriginal stakeholders and input of Moree Plains Shire Council planning officers.

Chapter 2
Outlined the legislative framework for the conservation and management of Aboriginal cultural heritage and its application to the study area.

Chapter 3
Describes the Aboriginal stakeholder consultation process and identifies the stakeholders involved and/or consulted as part of this study.

Chapter 4
Describes the environmental setting of the Moree Plains Local Government Area (LGA) as a basis for understanding the context of recorded and potential archaeological sites and places that hold cultural values to the Aboriginal communities within the LGA.

Chapter 5
Provides a summary of the archaeological record and provides a predictive model for the landscape types present in the LGA.

Chapter 6
Provides a summary of the procedure for the assessment of cultural significance. Places and items nominated for listing have been assessed in this section according to assessment criteria.

Chapter 7
Provides an outline of the conservation management approach it they relate to the Aboriginal cultural heritage of the Moree Plains LGA.

Chapter 8
Provides an overview of the principles guiding the management of Aboriginal cultural heritage and provides the framework for the management and conservation of these values.

Chapter 9
Is the Bibliography for the references and materials consulted as part of the preparation of this study.


