Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Heritage Assets

Under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979, Council has responsibility for identifying the area’s heritage assets and protecting them through environmental planning instruments.

  • Heritage Listings and Development
  • Heritage Conservation Areas
  • Heritage Items
  • Art Deco Buildings
  • Work that does not require development consent
  • Further information, Assistance, benefits and Advice
  • Heritage Advisory Service
  • Local Heritage Groups

A Heritage Conservation Area is an area containing many different elements which collectively have heritage significance. It is an area in which its historical origins and contributory elements create a sense of place that the community values.

To check whether your property is located within a Heritage Conservation Area, search Schedule 5 of Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan 2011, apply for a Section 149 Zoning Certificate or contact Councils Planning Team for advice.

Development Control and Heritage Conservation Area

The Moree Plains Development Control Plan DCP 2013  Chapter 7– Heritage Conservation Area Shopfront and Façade Policy applies to development that is situated on land within a heritage conservation area. This chapter Supplements the provisions of the Moree Plains LEP 2011, Describes the heritage significance of the Conservation Area, i.e. why the area is culturally important, Identifies the contributory criteria which contribute to the area’s distinctive identity and sense of place and Provides conservation guidelines to ensure development is sympathetic to the cultural heritage significance of the conservation area and ensure the conservation of individual heritage items identified in the Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan 2011.

A heritage item is defined as a building, work, archaeological site, tree or place that has heritage significance. Heritage items can be built or natural forms, archaeological or maritime heritage, movable heritage or items/sites that are significant to Aboriginal people.

There are 29 heritage items and 11 identified archaeological sites in the LEP 2011.

To check whether your property is a heritage item, search Schedule 5 of Moree Plains Local Environmental Plan 2011, apply for a Section 149 Zoning Certificate or contact Councils Planning Section for advice.

Please visit the NSW Office of Environment & Heritage to search for inventories for Moree Plain’s listings.
