Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Moree Plains Operational Plan and Budget 2024-25 and Delivery Program Update 2024-26

Council’s annual Operational Plan and Budget 2024-25 looks at the specific activities which will be undertaken by our Council within the current financial year. It sets out the Council services, programs, capital and non-capital projects, budgets, rates, charges and fees. 

The Operational Plan also comprises an update to Council's Delivery Program Update 2024-26. The Delivery Program outlines how Council will work towards achieving the goals in the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The Delivery Program is the single point of reference for all principal activities undertaken by Council during the Council term.  

Appendix A - Revenue Policy 2024/25
Appendix B - Fees and Charges 2024/25
Long-Term Financial Plan 2024/34

Quarter 1 Quarterly Reporting 2024/25

