Resourcing Strategy
Our Resourcing Strategy supports our long-term commitment made in the Community Strategic Plan - Our Moree Plains, Our Vision to 2032. The Resourcing Strategy sets out how we will resource the activities in the Delivery Program 2022-26 and annual Operational Plans. It also outlines how our Council will satisfy the long-term needs and aspirations of our community, considering our current and future resources – time, money, people and assets.
It is made up of:
- The Long Term Financial Plan provides a 10-year view of the costs associated with meeting our goals and objectives from our Community Strategic Plan (CSP),including possible funding requirements from other sources
- The Workforce Strategy covers the broad challenges and responses to planning the Council's future workforce to carry out the actions in the four-year Delivery Program.
- The Asset Management documents summarise the condition and actions for assets that are critical to the Shire operating including:
- Asset Management Policy
- Strategic Asset Management Plan
- Buildings and Other Structures Asset Management Plan - In development
- Transport Asset Management Plan - In development
- Water Asset Management Plan - In development