Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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A Message from the General Manager


Kelvin TytherleighMoree Plains Shire Council acknowledges and pays respect to the Kamilaroi people and their Elders, both past and present, as the traditional custodians of this land.

Welcome to Council’s website. Our staff are here to assist you wherever we can.

As a Council, serving the community, we are always striving to provide residents with the best possible lifestyle and amenities, within our resource capabilities.

As a community, we are conscious of the benefits and challenges of living in a regional centre. Here at Council, we are committed to playing our role to help build the community we want for our future.

What we do:

• We provide and maintain community facilities
• We create a safer place to live
• We enhance our community
• We plan for the future

Potentially, the Moree Plains of the future will be quite different to the Moree Plains of today and our 10 Year Community Plan - Moree Plains 2027 – Your Shire. The Plan. Our Future - provides the roadmap for this. As one of Australia’s most productive agricultural shires, the freight burden on our local road network is immense and a key area of focus for our Council. However, logistics pathways are evolving and we are well placed to capitalise on a greater role in the supply and distribution chain as part of the Melbourne to Brisbane Inland Rail project.

I am looking forward to working with our staff, Councillors and community to shape our future.
Thanks for taking the time to visit our site.

Kelvin Tytherleigh, 
General Manager


