Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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A Message from the Mayor

Mayor Johnson 300pxOver the coming year, Council plans to build on the amazing growth and investment recently seen in the Moree Plains. Work on the Moree Artesian Aquatic Centre continues, our unsealed road network is under diligent repair from the October 2022 floods, and the Moree Civic Centre will soon open its doors.

The Inland Rail is one step closer, with Phase 1 of Narrabri to North Star wrapping up and Phase 2 design commencing. The Moree SAP reference design is well underway with construction procurement to begin shortly. Adding to this, the line-up of community and economic-enabling infrastructure for the next financial year planned to be delivered by Council is, to put it simply, impressive. With over $86M dollars’ worth of capital and non-capital projects ($56.2M capital) to be delivered, it will be a busy year ahead.

On behalf of my fellow Councillors and staff at Council, we look forward to this exciting year ahead for the Moree Plains.

Do you have questions?
Contact us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400 30 Heber St, Moree NSW 02 6757 3222

Cr Mark Johnson
Mayor Moree Plains Shire Council


