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Inland Rail: Narrabri to North Star $13 Million Contract Awarded

The Hon Darren Chester MP Minister for Infrastructure and Transport recently announced almost $30 million in design contracts for Inland Rail, including a $13 million contract awarded for feasibility and detailed design for the Narrabri to North Star section of the Inland Rail project.

Moree Plains Shire Council’s Mayor Cr Katrina Humphries explained that “the contracts will see detailed information in terms of engineering, environmental, traffic and other impacts so that detailed design can be finalised, progressing the project to the construction stage.”

“Further contracts for Inland Rail in New South Wales and Queensland will be awarded over the coming months.”

“These contacts give businesses greater certainty that the Inland Rail is happening and the Australian Government will be supporting industry and communities to make the most of opportunities that Inland Rail delivers.

“Inland Rail will expand the freight network between Melbourne and Brisbane, connecting regional Australia to domestic and international markets. I am looking forward to seeing construction get underway in 2018, said Mayor Humphries.”

Currently, the Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for the Narrabri to North Star section is on display until Friday 15 December 2017 at the following locations during opening hours:

  • Moree Plains Shire Council: Customer Service Centre – Level 2 30 Heber Street Moree
  • Moree Community Library: 36 Balo Street Moree
  • Dhiiyaan Aboriginal Centre: 38 Albert Street Moree

The community is encouraged to make a submission on the Inland Rail EIS.

The EIS is available on the NSW Government planning and Environment website

Through the information on the Inland Rail can also be found online through the ARTC website
