Saturday 27 July from 12-9pm and Sunday 28 July from 11am–5pm. Located on Balo Street, Moree


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Works Report - Monday, 15 July 2024

   Location                                                         |         Work Details  


Mowing & Snipping Urban Verges
Litter Collection – Parks, Ovals, Cemetery, Gum Flats Bins, Carparks & Verges
Tree Maintenance – Various Town Streets
Watering Town Streets trees/shrubs
Signage maintenance / Repairs, installing new signs
Drainage Maintenance – Various town streets
Line Marking – Various Town Street

   Construction Projects (RTA Road maintenance)

 SH28 Carnarvon Highway Flood Damage Patching- Completed
SH28 Asphalt Works 90% Complete. Hopefully finished this week
SH12 Gwydir Highway Flood Damage Patching started this week, still have 13 months to complete
SH12 Gwydir Highway- Cleaning culverts & drainage structures

   Unsealed Road Network (Maintenance Grading)

 Flood repair works- various shire roads
Maintenance grading- shire roads- SR4,7,107,109
Road inspections
Gravel carting to various roads out of the Yarraman pit

   Sealed Road Network (Pot hole, Heavy Patching & Resealing)

 Slashing- SR101,11
Pothole repair- various shire roads, main roads, and town streets
Shire road inspections
Main road inspections
Flood repair inspections

   Parks and Open Space Network (CBD Gardens, Parks and Ovals, Villages)

CBD Cleaning and Garden Maintenance
CBD Cleaning Laneways
Town Street Sweeping/Park Run – Mini Sweeper
Pressure Cleaning Hall (Wednesdays)
Pressure Cleaning CBD (On going)
Parks, Ovals and Bus Shelters Pressure Cleaning (Wednesday/Thursday)
Parks and Ovals – Mowing, Snipping and Spraying
Line Marking Ron Harborne Oval/Boughton (On going)
Playground Quarterly Inspections
Spraying of Entrances


General Town Maintenance Litter Collection K&G Cleaning
Mowing of Recreations
Lawn Cemetery Maintenance
Guideposts & Sign Maintenance
Town Inspections
Spraying Kerb & Guttering Repairs All Areas
Road Flood Inspections – Mungindi Area
Trimming Street Trees 


General Town Maintenance, Litter Collection & Mowing
Town Park & Oval Maintenance
Whipping Snipping – Various Areas
Staffing the Waste Facilities – Boomi, Garah & Boggabilla
Cemetery Maintenance 
Slashing SR235 Tucka Tucka Road & Water and Pump Sites 
Patching MR507 Carrigan Road, MR462 Bruxner Highway & SR235 TuckaTucka Road  

   Flood and Infrastructure Grants 

 Not provided