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Suggesting Road Names

Public members wanting to name a road or other public asset are encouraged to read the attached policies that explain the requirements and parameters.

There are criteria that have to be met, otherwise the Geographical Names Board will not approve a non-conforming name.

Usually Council calls for expressions of interest to name a road and the community are encouraged to make a submission. If more than one suggestion is received, all of the submissions will be readvertised and community members have the opportunity to show support for their favoured name. These are then presented to Council, who will then make a decision on the most appropriate name.

Public assets are usually submissions that originally come from a community member and involve a fee. The fee is utilised towards advertising costs and the cost of signage. Basically the same process is followed for a road name or an asset, where Council resolves to go to advertising and comments are sought from the community with Council making the final decision following closure of advertising. 

Enquiries should be directed to the Engineering Department on (02) 6757 3279.
