Exhibition of draft section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan - Traffic Generating Development
Notice is hereby given that Council has prepared a draft updated Section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development. The draft Plan provides a ‘user pays’ approach to ensure that the operation of traffic generating development does not adversely impact on local roads. The draft Plan typically applies to traffic generating developments with a low capital value, such as quarries.
The draft Section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development will be on exhibition from Tuesday 12 January 2021 to Tuesday 09 February 2021. The draft plan may be inspected at Council’s Customer Service Centre during normal office hours, or on Council’s website at https://www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/plan-develop-and-compliance/development-applications-on-exhibition, until Tuesday 09 February 2021.
Exhibition of draft section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan - Traffic Generating Development
Notice is hereby given that Council has prepared a draft updated Section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development. The draft Plan provides a ‘user pays’ approach to ensure that the operation of traffic generating development does not adversely impact on local roads. The draft Plan typically applies to traffic generating developments with a low capital value, such as quarries.
The draft Section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development will be on exhibition from Tuesday 12 January 2021 to Tuesday 09 February 2021. The draft plan may be inspected at Council’s Customer Service Centre during normal office hours, or on Council’s website at https://www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au/plan-develop-and-compliance/development-applications-on-exhibition, until Tuesday 09 February 2021.
Public submissions are welcomed on the draft Section 7.11 Development Contribution Plan – Traffic Generating Development, within the formal exhibition period.
Please note that submissions may be disclosed to Councillors, Council Officers, Consultants to Council or members of the public in accordance with Section 18(1)(b) of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998. Submissions, summaries of submissions and names and addresses of persons making submissions may also be included in publicly available reports relating to the proposal. Council must also allow inspection of any submissions it receives and allow persons to take copies. However, if you consider that disclosure of your place of living would put you or your family’s person safety at risk, you can apply to Council to have these details protected from the disclosure under that Act.
If you are making a submission it is a requirement that all Political Donations and Gifts are reported to Council by completing a Disclosure Statement form available from Council’s Customer Service Centre or Council’s website www.mpsc.nsw.gov.au.
How do I make a submission?
Submissions must be in writing and if the submission is by way of objection to the minor amendments, the submission should indicate the grounds of objection. Submissions must be lodged within the formal exhibition period and can be handed into Council or sent by mail to: The General Manager, Moree Plains Shire Council, PO Box 420, Moree NSW 2400.