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Development Applications on Exhibition

As per Council Policy and Legislation, certain types of Development Applications (DA's) require public exhibition in the newspaper and on Council’s website. Should any DA currently be under public exhibition, you will find them listed below.

 Document on public exhibition

Opening date for comment

Closing date for comment 

DA2024/60 – Erection of a Child Care Centre – 51-53 Bucknell Street MUNGINDI – LOT: 8 SEC: 10 DP: 758729  31 October 2024 15 November 2024



If you wish to make a comment or an objection to a development proposal you need to make a submission to Council by email or post, before the exhibition closing date. You must include your full name and address, the relevant development application (DA) number and the site address.

If your submission is an objection to the proposal, your reasons should be clearly provided. We would like to know about the issues that are important to you.


When you send us your submission, we carefully consider it as part of the assessment process to determine the DA. You will be sent an email or letter by post acknowledging when we have received your submission.


