What a relief! A free night of entertainment with Damian Callinan


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Adopted Operational Plan and Budget 2021-2022

Moree Plains Shire Council’s 2021-22 Operational Plan and Budget was endorsed and adopted at Council’s meeting on Thursday 24 June.

The Operational Plan and Budget has an operating expenditure of $60 million and a capital expenditure of $90 million, this $150 million will be used to make significant improvements and maintenance to a variety of services and needs across the Plains, forecasting a surplus budget.

“With unprecedented levels of funding and the ongoing development of the Special Activation Precinct, Moree will see an ongoing injection of funding within the community and this will not only result in significant economic growth but will bring with it much-needed employment opportunities”. said General Manager, Lester Rodgers.

Mr. Rodgers said, “it was important that Council was able to meet the demands of this economic growth and was confident that the Operational Plan as adopted, will provide funding for the infrastructure required to be put in place by Council to meet demands on several levels”.

Mayor Humphries stated that “while it has been an amazing result to have such a hard-fought surplus in a very difficult year with COVID, I thank the team at Council for their achievements, I cannot feel too self-indulgent when I know so many of our rural families are struggling with the rural roads network after the floods and continual wet weather.

Our Engineering staff and teams are working so hard to try and get our roads back on track, when we have good rural connectivity and our community can commute comfortably again, then we can truly celebrate such a coveted result”.

The Operational Plan and Budget 2020-2021 outlines Council’s daily activities and capital projects as well as incorporating Council’s budget, revenue policy, and fees and charges over the next twelve months and aligns Council’s works with strategies identified in the community strategic plan – Moree Plains 2027 – Your Shire. The Plan. Our Future.

The adopted Operational Plan and Budget 2021-22 is available for viewing on Council’s website and in hardcopy at Council’s Moree or Mungindi Office.


