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Message from the Mayor

Mayor Susannah Pearse What a year it has been in the Moree Plains! As the shire with the highest value of agricultural production in Australia, when our Ag industry does well, our shire does well, and this 2024 season has been one of the best. Well done to everyone involved, from our growers to grain handlers and truck drivers to tradies.

Our local economy is indeed strong, but we need investment in infrastructure to support it. This year we continued to advocate for the completion of the 22km ‘missing link’ of incomplete Inland Rail track and siding in the centre of our shire and Special Activation Precinct (SAP) and were fortunate to have visits from both sides of federal politics and Inland Rail CEO Nick Miller to discuss and progress the issue.

Like many areas in rural and regional NSW, crime and community safety have been areas of concern and we are grateful for the support of Premier Chris Minns and the NSW Government for their commitment to our community. Our challenges with crime have not appeared overnight and hence will not be solved overnight, but the NSW Government’s $13.4m in targeted initiatives for our shire are a meaningful step towards tackling both the problems and the symptoms. 

In October I was delighted to be re-elected to council and honoured to be instated as Mayor, with Cr Wayne Tighe as Deputy Mayor. Our council is the most diverse ever, with a 6:3 female majority and two Aboriginal councillors - a passionate team that is well placed to represent the varied interests across our community. Our focus in 2025 will be on propelling our shire forward, completing existing projects, improving the level of service on our rural roads and ensuring financial sustainability and value for the ratepayer dollar. We have quite the task, but are motivated by our shared passion for our shire and the people who make it what it is.

My wish this Christmas, is - in the true spirit of Christmas - for peace in our shire and across our communities. It is for all across our 18,000km2 to feel and be valued, safe and supported. For our communities to come together, and work together, for the betterment of all in our shire.

Wishing everyone in the Moree Plains a happy and safe Christmas. Thank you for your support and may 2025 bring good health, good weather and prosperity to all.


Image - Message from the Mayor, Susannah Pearse


