Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Garbage Collection for Christmas

Santa is coming and so is your kerbside garbage collection! 

Please place your bins out as per your normal kerbside collection days, but please be mindful of a few things.

Put your bin out before 6am, preferable at the same time you put your cookies and milk out for Santa 😊

Wheels to the kerb

Don’t overload your bin and ensure that the lid can close

Place bins approximately 30cm apart leaving room for Santa’s Sleigh, and clear of driveways, trees, letter boxes and power poles.

Refer to the Moree Waste App (MPSC waste app) available on the App Store or Google Play.

Refer to the Waste App for landfill openings - noting changes to normal opening times on Public Holidays

And have a very Merry Christmas Moree Plains!


