Bulky Waste Collection March 2025

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Code of Meeting Practice

The purpose of councils is to provide the community with effective local and democratic government. The power delegated to Moree Plains Shire Council and other councils throughout the State is derived from the Local Government Act 1993 and other Acts enacted by the parliament of NSW.

Before each Council meeting, a Business Paper is prepared which details the items that are to be presented to a Council meeting for consideration. A Councillor’s responsibility is to make decisions on these items as well as on all areas of policy and budget priorities, including the level and extent of services and works to be provided during the year.

Decisions are determined using the majority voting system in which each Councillor has one vote. If there are an equal number of votes, the Mayor has the casting vote.

Code of Meeting Practice Council meetings are governed by a Code of Meeting Practice. 

Meetings are open to the public with the exception of confidential matters.

Please be mindful Council meetings are recorded for the purposes of ensuring the accuracy of the minutes of the meeting.

Photographs are sometimes taken during the course of a Council meeting. Community members who do not wish to have their photograph taken, should inform Council staff prior to the commencement of the meeting.

Public Forum Public forums provide an opportunity for community members to address the Councillors on issues on the agenda for that meeting. A public forum is held shortly after the commencement of every Council meeting so community members wishing to address the Council must be present at 2pm and may speak for three minutes on any agenda item included the Business Paper. Any items such as notes, photographs and any other documentation used during an address to Council will be required for Council’s records.

There is no other opportunity to address Council during the course of a Council meeting.


