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Committees of Council


Committee Name

Appointed Delegates until September 2024


Section 355


Ashley Centenary of Federation Community Hall Committee Councillor Montgomery
Boomi Pool Management Committee Councillor Orchin
Boomi Memorial Hall Committee Councillor Orchin
Garah Public Hall Committee Councillor Hartin 
Gurley Soldier Settlers Hall and Tennis Club Committee Councillor Smith
Gwydir Daycare and Preschool Parents Committee Councillor Pearse 
Moree Youth Council Councillor James
Mungindi Aged Care Committee Councillor Orchin 
Mungindi Showground and Racecourse Committee Councillor Orchin
Mungindi Youth Council Councillor Cochrane
Pallamallawa War Memorial Hall Committee Councillor Pearse
Weemelah Public Hall Management Committee Councillor James

External Committees

Arts North West  Councillor Pearse
Bushfire Management Councillor Smith
Moree and District Chamber of Commerce Councillor Johnson
Moree Cultural Art Foundation Board Councillor James
Moree Reconciliation Group Councillor Pearse
Councillor Hartin
Northwest Regional Weeds Committee Councillor Smith 
Rural Fire Service District Liaison Committee Councillor Smith
Tourism Moree Board Delegate: Councillor Johnson
Cr Alternate: Hartin
Alternate: General Manager

Advisory Committee

Airport Advisory Committee Councillor Montgomery
Big Sky Libraries Committee Councillor Orchin
Boggabilla Crime Prevention Committee Councillor Cochrane, Hartin and Johnson (Chair)
Floodplain Risk Management Committee Councillor Pearse and Sauer
Moree Community Safety Committee Councillor Hartin, Sauer and Johnson (Chair)
Mungindi Crime Prevention Committee Councillor Cochrane and Johnson (Chair)
Road Network Consultative Group  All Councillors 
Urban Advisory Committee Councillor Pearse
Councillor Hartin

Multi-Operational Committee

Border Regional Organisation of Councils Councillor Orchin

Local Traffic Committee Councillor Sauer
New England Joint Organisation Councillor Johnson (Mayor)
Alternate Councillor Pearse (Deputy Mayor)
Newell Highway Task Force  Councillor Johnson
North-West Weight of Loads Committee Councillor Montgomery
Alternate: Councillor Smith
Border Towns Crime Prevention Committee Councillor James
Alternate: Cochrane
Reconciliation Committee Councillor Pearse and Hartin
Alternate: James
Disability Inclusion Advisory Committee Councillor Johnson

Operational Committee

Internal Audit Committee  Councillor 
General Managers' Performance Review All Councillors 

